We have 65 different magazines in the library , because these are a really important way to support students’ learning and other interests.  Here are some of the highlights from the magazines in February 2015.




Private Lessons

Simple-to-follow instruction tips designed to suit your game, whether you’re a straight hitter, powerplayer, beginner or senior.

Golf Monthly. February 2015 p.69



History Today 2015-02

Lady Bankes Defends Corfe Castle

Patrick Little debunks the romantic accounts of Lady Mary Bankes’ brave resolve against parliamentarian siege during the Civil Wars.

History Today. February 2015 p.10



music tea feb 15


Distance Learning

Extend your skills through distance learning has come a long way since the days of the old-fashioned correspondence course. John Kelleher looks at some of the options for music education professionals.

Music Teacher. February 2015 p.16


new sci 24jan15

What’s the Beef ?

The truth about meat and your health. It’s linked to cancer, heart disease and obesity. So will quitting meat save our bacon ?

New Scientist. January 2015 p.30


bbc focus feb 15


One Way to Mars

This year, both NASA and Mars One begin preparations for a mission to the Red Planet, but huge obstacles stand in their way.

BBC Focus. February 2015 p.38