What is theĀ  Bangkok Swim League?

The Bangkok Swim League is a TEAM event. Usually the team trophy is decided on the day or weekend of the swim meet, not every swimmer may be available at this event or may feel unwell. The Swim League gives teams an opportunity to compete over a number of months to decide who is the best team – similar to a football league.


How will the SHB team be decided?

Shrewsbury will field an A and B team into the meet series – swimmers will be unable to move between teams (swimmers who compete for the B team in the first meet will remain with the B team for the entire meet series).

Swimmers can compete in a maximum of 3 events including the relays – relay teams score double points – relay teams will usually, although not exclusively, take prescient when selecting the team.

Swimmers do not have to swim the same events at every meet – in the first meet they may compete in three (3) relay events, in the next meet they may compete in three (3) individual events.

Usual selection requirements are also applicable – swimmers must be regularly attending a minimum of two sessions per week.


If we are not selected for the first meet can we compete in one of the future meets?

Definitely, keep training hard.


How will we know if we have been selected?

Teams will be posted on the swimming notice board for the first meet on Tuesday 10th October following the processing of the NIST Falcons results. Team members will also receive an email inviting them to be part of the team.


Is there any entry fee to pay?

Only external teams will be asked to pay an entry fee. As this is a selected team, entry costs are covered by Shrewsbury International School.


If we are not selected can we still come and support the team?

Most certainly, the louder the support the faster the team will swim!


Which other teams will be attending?

The full list of teams and meet program will be available on Tuesday 17th October.


Which events are available?

Full event details are available on the Swim League Website


If you have any questions regarding any aspects of the Swim League please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Gill in the Sports and Activities Office.


Many Thanks

Mrs Gill