Shrewsbury International School blogging network

Archives for August, 2018

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Tomorrow, we host our first Parent and Swimmer meeting. If you are keen to represent Shrewsbury International School in the pool this year, please come along to hear all about the exciting changes to the BISAC swimming program.

Khun Monz and Funkita will also be available outside the Memorial Hall.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

We hope you have had a wonderful holiday, tonight training recommences for black and gold squad. All other squads and You Time swim classes will begin on Monday. All morning training sessions will recommence on Tuesday 28th August.

A parents and swimmers team meeting will be hosted in the memorial hall on Tuesday 28th August at 2.50pm. We invite all members of the team to this event to learn about the year ahead and the exciting changes coming to the BISAC swim meet format this year, during this meeting all important information for the year ahead will be shared, attendance is highly recommended.

Best Wishes

Mrs Gill


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