Dear Parents,
The children have had a super week this week. They are now becoming settled into  the routines of being in year 1 and building new relationships with the new children and teachers.
In Maths, we have been looking at the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. We have been making groups of objects and finding which group is greater or less than the other. 
In Literacy, the children have been getting used to reading in their Guided Reading groups and have continued to enjoy and join in with their favourite stories in class. They have been using role play to act out the stories and have started writing short sentences linked to their stories. 
In Design and Technology, the children have been continuing to learn about the importance of safety when using tools. We all had fun practising using a saw to cut a piece of wood in half.
In Topic, the children have been continuing to look at the different weathers they can experience. 
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Many thanks for your support,
The Year 1 Team​​