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Dear Parents and Swimmers

Please see below for the results from the final Early Birds Swim Meet of the year. Prizes from Term 3 and the overall Championship will be awarded during the end of term Relay Fun Swim Meet, hosted on Thursday 29th June 2.40 – 4pm – more details to follow in a separate post.

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Best Wishes

Swim Team

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Please see below for the final Early Birds Swim Meet Program for the 2016/2017 academic year. The meet will start promptly at 6am on Tuesday June 20th.

Presentations will be made in the final swim session on Thursday 29th June.

Entries have been based on swimmers who attended the previous meet, any swimmer who does not see their name below and would like to take part, may still attend and will be included in the final heat of each event.

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Best Wishes

Aquatics Team

Dear Parents and Swimmers

A polite reminder that due to the Primary FOBISIA Games hosted at Shrewsbury International School, there will be no swimming this week (this includes Tuesday and Thursday morning sessions).

Kindest Regards

The Aquatics Team

Dear Parents

Apologies to those swimmers who appeared in the incorrect age group in the previous results, I hope everyone is now in the correct age group – please see below for the new results.

To prevent any swimmer changing age groups during mid competition the age of all swimmers has been set to their age at the end of the school year. Due to a difference in dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy format we have identified that the age up date was incorrectly entered for mid May. This has now been rectified and all swimmers ages adjusted to their age on June 30th 2017.  This will not affect any of the results from Term 1 and Term 2.  Term 3 and the Championship have now become a lot more competitive with some swimmers less than 5 points behind the swimmer ahead of them.

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Kindest Regards

Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Early Birds Swim Meet this morning, the second and final event of term 3 will be held on Tuesday 20th June.

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This morning the trophies were presented for term 1 and term 2 please see below for the full scores. Trophies can be collected from the Sports and Activities Office.

Age of swimmers has been calculated as the age on the final day of term, this was to ensure no one changed age groups throughout the year.

Term 1 Scores

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Term 1 Results

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Term 2 Scores

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Term 2 Results

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Trophies for term 3 and for the overall champion will be presented in the final week of team during our swim term celebration event.

We look forward to seeing as many people as possible in the final meet this year.

Best Wishes

Aquatics Department

Dear Parents and Swimmers


We are delighted that our warm up session has moved to 7.30am, the bus will therefore now leave at 6.45am.


Kindest Regards


Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

This morning I have received an updated program for 2 Fast 2 Furious, please see below:

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Best Wishes

Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Below is the program for 2 Fast 2 Furious hosted by Harrow International School on Saturday. As this is a heats and finals swim meet, the meet has been circle seeded. In regular seeding the fastest 8 swimmers swim in the final heat, in circle seeding the fastest 8 swimmers swim in the final 3 heats, this gives all swimmers an equal chance of qualifying for the finals.

The bus will leave promptly at 6.15am, if you have not yet returned your consent form please ensure you have returned your form before 4pm tomorrow.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have about the meet.

Kindest Regards

Mrs Gill

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Dear All

Khun Monz will be in school on Tuesday 9th May from 2.30 – 4pm for any swimmers who would like to purchase the green and gold swim suit for Harrow 2 Fast 2 Furious this weekend.

Best Wishes

Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Please find below the program for the Primary FOBISIA Swim trials being held tomorrow night (Tuesday 9th May). Warm up will start at 2.45pm and the first race promptly at 3pm, we hope to be finished by 4.45pm.

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Please also find attached the Primary FOBISIA Games swimming rules, these have been taken directly from the handbook and I hope these will help to explain the event format in more details.

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U 10 races = Year 5 Swimmers

U 11 races = Year 6 Swimmers

C Races 1st place – 6 points – 6th place 1 Point

B Races 1st 12 Points – 6th place 7 points

A Races 1st Place 18 Points – 6th place 13 points

Relays score double

All swimmers must compete in a minimum of 2 races (1 of which must be the tire relay), swimmers may compete in a maximum of 5 races

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