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Swimmers who would like to join the swim team in Block 2 should register for the stroke school of the appropriate year group. During week 6 of block 2 a time trial will be held giving all swimmers the opportunity to progress to the next squad.

  Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sessions per week
You Time Swimming

Open to All – Sign up through CHQ FIRST COME FIRST SERVED

Yr 1 Stroke School 2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mica

2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mica

  2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mica

2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mica

  1 session per week
Yr 2 Stroke School 2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mew

2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mew

  2.40 – 3.30

Coach Mew

Year 2 Swim Team

2.40 -3.30

By Invitation only

  1 session per week
Yr 3 & 4 Stroke School




2.40 – 3.30

Coach Noon

  2.40 – 3.30

Coach Noon

Development Squad (12) (Yr3+)

2.40 -3.45

By Invitation only

  1 session per week
Primary FOBISIA Stroke School

(year 5&6)


2.40 – 3.30

Coach Noon



  1 session per week

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Please follow the links below to the timetable for block 2.

You will notice we are now offering more sessions per week, all squads have the option of both session times, however on a wednesday the first session (2.40 – 3.45pm) will be a girls only session, lead by female coaches. We hope this will encourage more girls to take part in squad training.

There are now also morning sessions (please note that Monday is a dry fitness session and PE kit together with trainers will be required) and a Saturday morning session is now available.

All squad numbers will be strictly limited.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or queries you may have.

Many Thanks

Mrs Gill

Block 2 Timetable

Development Squad

Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

level 5

National Squad

Squads by name

Personal Best Times

Squad Entry Times

Squad Entry Skills


Dear Parents and Swimmers.

Our first competition of the year will be the ISB SwimFest hosted by ISB on 14th & 15th November. If you would like to be considered for selection to this meet, please read the entry conditions and selection policy available here: Entry Conditions and Selection Policy

FOBISIA Swimming this year will be hosted by BIS Phuket between Thursday 28th – Sunday 31st January. If you would like to be considered for selection, please read the selection policy here: FOBISIA Swimming Selection Policy

Swimmers who wish to be selected for either meets should confirm via the Google Doc form here:Request for selection consideration

Further details regarding costs, flights and accommodation details for the selected FOBISIA swimmers will be available shortly.

Please do not hesitate to contact me in the Sports and Activities Office or via with any questions you may have.

Many Thanks

Mrs Gill

A huge congratulations to everyone who competed this morning.

Results are now live on the website: Aquathon Results

SP are looking forward to a big turnout our first snack sale of the academic year, proudly sponsored by Year 2 families.

Thanks in advance to all our volunteers and snack contributions. See event details for further information.

Bake Sale HDTV

Please follow the link below to the website for the aquathon, here you will find all the important information for next weekend – Saturday 19th September.

Aquathon Website

If you have any questions about the event, please do not hesitate to see Mrs Gill in the Sports and Activities Office.

Please follow the link below to access the program for Race Night tomorrow:

Tuesday 8th September – Program

Dear Parents and Swimmers

I am pleased to be able to let you know that the Aquathlon has reached the maximum number of entries, no further entries will be accepted. May I politely remind anyone who has entered but not yet paid, that payment is due by 5pm Monday August 31st.

Many Thanks

Mrs Gill

Dear Swimmers and Parents

74 people from Shrewsbury have registered for the Shrewsbury Invitational Aquathlon, Saturday 19th September.

This is a polite reminder that your place in the event is not confirmed until the entry fee of 300thb is received by the accounts department – currently there are 25 places awaiting payment. Entries close at 5pm on Monday August 31st.

If you are unsure whether payment has been made, please contact either the accounts department or Mrs Gill in the Sports and Activities Office.

There are still spaces available, if you would like to enter please follow the link here: Entry Form making payment of the 300thb entry fee before 5pm Monday August 31st.

Full event details including start times will be available after the closing date.

Should you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Gill in the Sports and Activities Office or at

Best Wishes

Mrs Gill

It is wonderful to hear so many of you wishing to supplement your BISAC or Squad swimming with additional sessions, if you would also like to swim for more than the minimum number of days required for your squad simply register via CHQ for the additional days you wish to swim; for level 4 & 5 please book into level 3 (squads will be separated on poolside).

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