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Family Reading Challenge Reading Passport

The Family Reading Challenge 2015, “Exploring Genres,” begins this week and will run until the end of Term 2. All families in the Junior School are invited to participate.

The Challenge is designed to encourage families to read together, for parents/carers to read aloud, and most importantly, to introduce families to exciting new authors and genres.

Studies show that reading for pleasure increases academic performance in maths, spelling, and vocabulary, that being read to allows children to make more meaningful connections to thoughts and ideas, and that more that 80% of children love or like being read to.

To participate in the Challenge, stop by the library to pick up a Family Reading Challenge Passport and check out a book. The rules are simple:

  • Books must be checked out by a parent or carer
  • Only one book for the Challenge may be checked out at a time
  • Families must check out one book from each genre (The genres are: Adventure, Animals, Fairy Tales/Myths, Information, Poetry, and Realistic Fiction.)
  • One book may be from Tumblebooks, our e-book library for Junior School
  • The Challenge must be completed by Friday, 3rd April (end of Term 2)

All families that complete the Challenge will be invited to a special awards assembly in Term 3a.

If you have any questions, please see Ms Beeman in the library. This presentation also has more information.

Dear Swimmers

Congratulations to all the swimmers who achieved 1st – 8th place at the recent FOBISIA Swimming Championships, if you have not yet collected your award swimming cap or ribbons, they are still available to collect from Mrs Gill. Award hats and ribbons are available for both individual and relay events.

Best Wishes

Mrs Gill


Dear Parents and Swimmers

Please find below details for ISB Splash this weekend. If you have not yet booked a place on the bus, please confirm your intention to travel by bus no later than Wednesday 4th March at 5pm.

Swim Meet Guidelines

Splash Warm Up Lanes

ISB Splash 2015 Psych Sheet Saturday

ISB Splash 2015 Psych Sheet Sunday

If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many Thanks

Mrs Gill

Dear Parents and Swimmers

If you recently competed at the Martins Cup competition please may I ask that you submit your results via email to your current personal best times held at school will be updated and these new times used for all upcoming swim meet entries.

Many Thanks

Mrs Gill

Fully Booked 2014 logo_colure transparecy

Fully Booked week 2015 is nearly here.

Below you will the schedule and other important details.

  • Thursday, 26th February: Bookmark Competition entries are due in the library
  • Friday, 27th February: Reading Fair entries are due in the library (Prep students only)
  • Friday, 27th February: Senior School Dress as a Favourite Book Character day; Senior School Fully Booked assembly
  • Tuesday, 3rd March at 8am: Family Reading Challenge Launch in the Senior Library (for parents/carers)
  • Wednesday, 4th March from 2:45 to 3:30pm: Reading Fair in the Year 2 playground (participants and their parents are invited)
  • Friday, 6th March: Junior School Dress as a Favourite Book Character Day and Character Parade; Junior School Fully Booked assembly
  • Friday, 6th March, Lesson 3: Share a Book You Love
  • All week:
    • Special story times at break in the storytelling tent in front of Pre-Prep (Friday, 27th February through Friday, 6th March)
    • House storytelling competition in the storytelling tent (Friday, 27th February through Friday, 6th March)
    • Kinokuniya Book Fair in front of the Sports Hall
    • Form time poetry reading in the Senior School
    • Library competitions everyday at lunch
    • Special story times everyday after school in the library at 2:40pm (with a puppet workshop on Monday, 2nd March)

Stop by the library or see Ms Beeman with any questions. Happy reading!

Reading Fair Entry

For the first time this year, Shrewsbury will be hosting a Reading Fair during Fully Booked Week. the Reading Fair is open to all students in the Prep school. In order to participate, students must choose a favourite book (fiction or non-fiction) and design a storyboard with information and illustrations about the book. This is a great way for Prep students to share their love of reading and their favourite books!

Application forms and blank storyboards are available in the library. There is also a sample entry on display, to give students an idea of what is expected.

Important dates:

Friday, 27th February: Completed Reading Fair storyboards are due in the library

Wednesday, 4th March: The Reading Fair will be held in the Year 2 playground from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. All participants and their parents are invited. Prizes will be awarded to the top entries.

The Reading Fair application and guidelines can be found here.

Please see Ms Beeman or Ms Otter with any questions.

Dear Swimmers and Parents

Entries have been submitted to ISB for the upcoming ISB Splash (March 7th & 8th), please could I ask you to check your entries are correct and if necessary advise me of any changes that are required. These are the entries received from ISB yesterday, if you have already spoken with me regarding your changes I have already passed these on to ISB.

Psych sheets should be available on Thursday, therefore please submit any changes required by Wednesday morning at the very latest.

Saturday             Sunday

Many Thanks


Parents Cocktail 2015 Party e-Blast

Shrewsbury Parents annual Cocktail party returns. Click here for further details and ticketing information. All parents welcome.

BISAC Squad Selection 

Junior BISAC – Saturday March 28th, Senior BISAC – Sunday March 29th, Hosted by Harrow International School.

This squad has been selected based on the results achieved by swimmers in competition over the past 12 months, together with their commitment to the minimum number of training sessions per week through CHQ. If you believe your name should have been included below please contact Mrs Gill, Khun Lynn or Khun Tum in the Sports and Activities office to confirm your training commitments.  For safety it is essential all swimmers are present on the register for every session they intend to attend.

Minimum training requirements: Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 – 2 training sessions per week. Level 4, Level 5 & Level 6 – 3 training sessions per week commitment is required, swimmers are able to register for more sessions per week if they are available.

For the swimmers who have moved this year into the senior age group please remember the above training commitments also apply to your squads. It is wonderful that this age group is now so competitive for places in the team. If you were unlucky not to have been selected this year please do not be disheartened – next year you will be the oldest in this age group and will be a strong contender for a place.

Boys Girls
Under 8’s (Age on March 28th)

Mark Chinvattanachot











9 Year Old (Age on March 28th)





Ming Ming




Proud L


Prim P



10 Year Old (Age on March 28th)







Prim J






11 – 12 Year Old (Age on March 29th) – Many Swimmers are not registered for the minimum training requirements of their squad!

Matthew P


Matthew W



Prim B






13 – 14 Year Old (Age on March 29th) – Many Swimmers are not registered for the minimum training requirements of their squad!






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