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‘The Outlaw Varjak Paw’ (Varjak Paw #2) by S.F. Said 📖

Having saved the city cats from a fate worse than death, Varjak Paw finds himself the elected and popular leader of a new gang – a gang that supports freedom and kindness for all. But will the pressure take its toll on this brave yet sometimes naive cat?

Soon the city erupts in an all-out gang war as the evil Sally Bones attempts to control the lives of all cats. Horrified and outnumbered, Varjak and the others must fight for their freedom or die trying; can Jalal’s Way really be the best way?

This is another thrilling adventure, eagerly awaited by all Varjak fans, both young and old.

This books is available at JF SAI (library link) and on Overdrive as an Ebook. It is a fan read for Years 4 and Years 5

📖 #SHRLibraryBookReview

This book contains the 1st and 2nd titles in the Spook’s Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney. Thomas Ward is the seventh son of a seventh son and gifted with powers which help to defeat evil in the world. He must learn his trade as a Spook and bind boggarts, bury witches and face other terrifying evil creatures. In this book the two travel to Heysham where Mrs.Toner come from and they visit the ancient 8th century graves which actually exist and were a place Mrs.Toner often visited. 
This book can be found at F DEL in the fantasy section, along with all the others in the series. A great read

Check the status of the book here

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