The Annual Cocktail Party is an event that Shrewsbury Parents all look forward to. It is one occasion where we are not wearing our “SHB Parents” shirts and are instead dressed to our nines ready to impress all.
This night the Heads of the School, teachers and parents all mingle together as parents and well wishers of the children studying in school. A lot of new parents come to this function and friendships are made that will hopefully last a life time.
This year the party was on the 4th of March and Silver Waves Restaurant in Chatrium Riverside was the host. All the SP members looked resplendent in black, a far cry from their usual harried selves that the school sees, at the bake sales, the different celebrations, and around the school at every event. Of course this day was also very special, as it was, Head of Junior – Ms Dennison’s birthday!
Looking forward to another wonderful cocktail party that will be held next year in 2017 that will have even more parents join in the fun.


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