We have 65 different magazines in the library , because these are a really important way to support students’ learning and other interests.  Here are some of the highlights from the magazines in January 2014.

DTP 1 14


Robotics NAO!

Etone College students engage with the innovative ‘NAO’ humanoid robot developed by Aldebaran Robotics.

D&T practice. Issue1/2014 p.11


What wearable tech is right for me?WIR jan 14

Google glass was just the beginning. A new generation of wearable tech is coming and it will transform the way you experience the world.

WIRED. January 2014 p.90


TEA 51 spring 1314


Shakespeare week

New initiatives and activities to connect your students with Shakespeare.

Teaching drama. Spring 2013/2014 p.17


Theories of learningimg075

John Ireland explains how skills in sport are learned and controlled and shows you how to evaluate theories of learning to get top exam grades.

PE review. January 2014 p.8


ICR 129


Learning guitar with a GarageBand tutor

Make full use of GarageBand’s free tutorials and take the first steps to learning to strum.

iCreate. Issue 129 p.32