Shrewsbury International School blogging network

Archives for January, 2014

On weekends, after school, or during holidays, you can still access many of the library’s resources. Please use the guide below to find the resources you need! Email Ms Beeman at if you have questions or need help accessing the materials.

Library Catalog

Catalog: Use the catalog to browse for books and electronic resources. You can browse as a guest or login to save books of lists and electronic resources. Email Ms Beeman if you need to create an account, or have forgotten your username or password.

E-Books and Audio Books

The library offers access to e-books through Overdrive (for Senior School) and Tumblebooks, as well as audio books through Overdrive and Naxos Spoken Word.

  • Overdrive (e-books and audio books for Y7 and up): If you have forgotten your username or password, or need to create one, please email Ms Beeman. For a brief overview of how to use Overdrive, please read this post.
  • Tumblebooks: Picture books with narration and gentle animation for EY1 through Y2.
  • Naxos Spoken Word: Audio books appropriate for junior and senior students, including many classic books. Username: SHBlibrary; password: SHBlibresource.

Online Encyclopedias and Databases

  • JSTOR: This database is designed for academic research in 6th form. If you do not have a username, or have forgotten yours, please email Ms Beeman.
  • World Book Online: This link gives you access to World Book Kids (Y3 to Y6), World Book Student (Y5/6 to Y8) and World Book Advanced (Y8+). Username – international; password – electricwbo
  • Pebble Go: This is an online encyclopedia about animals designed for emerging readers in Y1 to Y3. Username: SHBlibrary; Password: SHBlibresource.

Magazines and Newspapers Online

To access any of these resources, the username is and the password is SHBlibresource. If you have any trouble accessing these resources, please email Ms Beeman.

Other  Resources

Please see this page for links to all of the library’s online resources for junior students, senior students, teachers, and parents. Please email the librarian, Ms Beeman at with any questions or concerns.

In this amazing video, Ben in 9CR, pilots a glider over the beautiful New Zealand landscape.

Thanks for sharing with us Ben – lots of great Geography to look out for in this footage.

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There are roughly 80 new books available in the library each month.         Here are some interesting new titles for January.



They are out on display in Junior and Senior Library. Please check them out!

Dick King-Smith is our Author of the Month for January. Here is some information about him…


Quick Fact

Place and date of birth: Bitten, Gloucestershire; 27 March 1922

Star sign: Aries

Eye colour: Bottom of the duck pond

Hair colour: Grey-white or white-grey

Pets: 8 chickens (named after a famous family of writers called the Brontës)

Hobbies: Washing up, walking, sitting in the garden, reading

Favourite food: Bacon and eggs, fish pie with eggy sauce

Favourite book:Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope

Favourite song:‘Spread a little happiness’ by Sonnie Hale

Favourite film :Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Bad habits: Snoring

Personal motto: ‘Count your blessing!’

Awards:1991 British Book Awards’ Children’s Author of the Year

                1984 Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize for the Sheep-Pig


Dick King-Smith is one of the most popular authors writing for children today. He is best loved for his charming and funny stories about animals such the Hodgeheg and Sophie’s Snail. Most famous of all is the Sheep-Pig, which was turned in to the Hollywood hit movie Babe. In 2009 he was made OBE for services to children’s literature. Dick King Smith died in 2011 at the age of eighty-eight. Dick King-Smith’s books will be on display in the Junior Library for the whole month. Please check them out and tell us what you think of his books in the comment section.

Selected Books

Selected books-Dick King-Smith copy

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Thank you, to those of you whom registered with TASA yesterday. For those of you who have not already done so, this link should assist you:

TASA Registration

Best Wishes

Mrs Gill

Dear Swimmers and Parents

Happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful restful holiday and are now ready to train hard in preparation for BISAC.

It was great to see so many of you at the training session last night and 10 people enjoying the first morning swim of the year. The swimming excellence program starts with full effect from tonight.

All swimmers are required to wear a swim hat and have a water bottle available on poolside at every training session.

To prepare for BISAC, there are a number of upcoming Thailand Swimming Association (TASA) swim meets Shrewsbury swim team would like to attend. Should you wish to attend any TASA swim meet you will need to be registered with TASA as part of Shrewsbury International School. Please register yourself here: TASA Swimmer Registration, search for Shrewsbury International School as the swimming club, you will require your ID or passport number to register.

The following swimmers are already registered and therefore will not need to register a second time:




Matthew P

Further details of the swim meets Shrewsbury will be attending will be available here over the next fortnight.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me in the Sports and Activities Office.

Kindest Regards

Mrs Gill

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