Shrewsbury International School blogging network

Archives for February 11th, 2014

Take a look at Sun Yang’s high elbow in the under water pull phase. Look at how he pushes off on his back at the wall during a turn and rotates to his front in a streamlined position, keeping his head down for that first stroke. How he rotates to his side and really holds the water. As this is a 1500m swim his kicking is not as fast as it would be if he were swimming 100m, however it is still great technique kicking from his hips.

Sun Yang 1500m Freestyle Swim

You’ve trained hard all year and the day is finally here…Its swim meet day. You’re nervous, but excitied. You know that you have put all the training in you could. You calm the butterflies and step onto the block, the starters gun goes and you’re off. Swimming your heart out, you touch the pads at the finish and look up at the score board, a personal best. YES. All that hard work has paid off. You go to your coach for feed back about your swim, but they look really sad, you’ve been disqualified. What did you do wrong???

Its heartbreaking when you get disqualified, please see the new disqualification form from British Swimming here to see what swimming actions will result in a disqualification.