We have 65 different magazines in the library , because these are a really important way to support students’ learning and other interests.  Here are some of the highlights from the magazines in February 2014.



Dance opportunities

A look at two organizations offering dance workshops for young people.

Teaching Drama. Issue 52 p.21


Protein secretionimg088

How do specific amino acid changes alter the function of proteins and cause disease when the protein is secreted from the cell? The author’s studies of human collagen mutations are helping us understand this complex structure-function relationship.

Biological Sciences review. February 2014 p.22




Red dread : The chemistry of a clean-up

Mark Hodson explains how chemistry was partly responsible for Hungary’s 2010 ‘red mud’ incident and how is was vital to the clean-up efforts.

Chemistry review. February 2014 p.16



img081Solar farms : Why do we need them?

Solar power has advantages for developed countries trying to source more electricity from renewable supplies, and for developing countries that lack a proper national grid and can use it locally. This article looks at large-scale harvesting of solar power – Where it is happening, how it works and its costs and benefits.

Geography review. February 2014 p.17


BBC MUC mar 14


How to write a tune

It may be one of music’s fundamental properties, but the art of  penning a memorable melody has long proved a notoriously elusive one. Stephen Johnson reveals the story and the secrets behind the humble tune.

BBC Music. March 2014 p.46