Dear Parents,

We are all looking forward to a peaceful weekend after a fun week of learning at Shrewsbury. We started the week making new friends with Year 1 City Campus children who visited us on Monday for a day of Christmas fun! As well as making new friends we helped the gingerbread man escape down a zip wire, made a melted snowman biscuit and enjoyed a festive session of yoga! Our new friends were very impressed with our super singing as we welcomed them to our campus with a Christmas song.


In Maths, we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s. We have shaded in a number square to help us look at the patterns created by counting in groups of numbers and then we have tried to commit these to memory. We have also been learning about position and direction in Maths and Computing. Can the children use left, right, forwards, whole turn etc to direct you at home?


In English, we have continued on our journey with ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ visiting Humpty Dumpty in Hospital and the Wolf’s Den! This week he delivered a Christmas card with a beautiful scene of Santa’s Grotto that we used as an idea to help children write. The children had to imagine themselves in Santa’s Grotto and had to say what they might see, hear, taste, touch and smell if they were there.


In Topic, the children have been using sketching pencils to experiment making different marks and shades on paper. We compared several pencils to look at the different lines that were created by hard and soft pencils. We also used fruit and vegetables as a stimulus to draw and tried to represent the food on our paper using shading techniques.


Finally, we finished off the week with an outstanding Sports Day. The children enjoyed showing off the many skills they have been developing this half term in P.E. in a super fun and enthusiastic way.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend,  

The Year 1 Team.