Shrewsbury International School blogging network

Archives for January 23rd, 2020

Dear Parents, 

Here some links to YouTube dance and yoga videos for the children sent by Ms Alys in PE. As the children have to be inside due to pollution, it would be great if they could still be active! –


Many thanks 

Year 1 

Dear Parents,

As school is closed today, here are some activities for your children to work on at home.


  • Children to read their guided reading books and try to say as many words as they can without sounding out. They can also have a go at reading the green and red words at the front of book as quickly as they can!
  • Look at the questions at the back of the book and ask the children to answer them. They will need to look back at the book to find the answers.
  • Complete one of the ‘Reading Journal’ activities.


  • Write a sentence about what they did at the weekend. Try and encourage the children to use a full stop, finger spaces or capital letters.


  • Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Chanting this with your children would be helpful. Here are some YouTube videos we use in school.


  • Children to read their Thai guided reading book, complete a Thai activity from the yellow book and choose an activity from the Home Learning grid.