Dear Parents,
Another really positive week of learning this week in year 1. As next week is digital citizenship week we would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about screen time at home. Here is a link to articles from Common Sense Media which gives good practical advice on minimising screen-time at home.
In Maths, we have started to look at the concept of subtraction. We have used picture forms and maths manipulatives to gain a strong understanding of this concept.   
In Literacy, the children have been continuing their work on the poem I am angry by Michael Rosen. This week the children innovated the story with very imaginative ideas of what they would do if they were angry. They added actions to their ideas and then performed the poems to the rest of the class.
In Design and Technology, the children have been creating their designs they came up with last week. The children have had a fantastic time creating from wood masterpieces such as squirrel houses to pencil pots. 
In Topic, the children have focused on the weather you would experience if you visited the desert. We looked at the animals you would find in the desert habitat and how these animals are adapted to live in such a hot sandy climate.
Enjoy a lovely long weekend, See you on Tuesday. 
The year 1 team.