Dear Parents,

This week we celebrated Art Week across the Junior School. Year 1 were allocated the Sustainable Global Goal of ‘1. No Poverty’ and ‘2. No Hunger’. The children discussed the meaning of poverty and hunger in their classrooms and decided on a way to decorate their cow. (See pictures below!) Each class learnt about the ‘Send a Cow’ charity, which links nicely to our topic on Africa and our story ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’. For more information on this charity, please visit here.

In English, we learnt about the features of non-fiction texts. Ask your child to point out the heading, subheading, photographs, captions, labels, diagrams and contents page in a shared book. Can they tell you which animal they are creating a report about?

In Maths, we have moved onto measurement. One lesson focused on using the vocabulary; short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest. In another lesson the children found objects around the classroom that were shorter than or longer than their Maths books. This led onto us using rulers to measure objects and write the measurement down using ‘cm’. Have a go at measuring items at home. Please also consolidate counting forwards and backwards to 50. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The Year 1 Team.


1JT and their ‘No Hunger’ cow.

1NT stamping handprints on their cow to symbolise stopping poverty.

1JS and their African sunset cow.

1CD and their ‘No Hunger’ cow.

1LS created 20thb notes and added them to their cow in bundles of 3. Did you know that people in poverty survive on 60thb a day?

Art Competition

Thank you to everyone who took part in the re-designing of the character strengths competition. If your child hasn’t yet submitted their entry but would like to, Miss Wood has extended the deadline to Monday. 

Here are some examples from across the Junior School.