Here is your child’s learning for today. Thank you to all of the parents who have been in email contact so far. It is lovely to see what the children have been learning at home.

Reading: Please continue to read with your child every day. You can also read books online too on websites such as Oxford owl.

You could also listen to a story being read from a website such as and ask your child questions about the text or ask them to re-tell the story.

English: We have finished writing our recounts in class and editing our work. Your child could demonstrate what they have learnt by writing a recount of this week remembering to use past tense verbs, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces independently. We have been practising making our sentences longer by using ‘and’ or ‘because’ so can they do this too?

Maths: Your child can practise all of the skills they have learnt this week to ensure they are secure. Can they count forwards and backwards in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s? Can they solve problems involving counting in these steps like in the example on Day 4 of the Maths slides?

The children have really enjoyed finding out different facts about Space this week, reading Space stories and looking at non-fiction books about Space. Your child could write a list of their own questions that they want to find out the answers to about space and discuss them when they return to school.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 1 Team.