Shrewsbury International School blogging network

Archives for March 5th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Below is the link to some activities you can do at home with your child to stay active:–eZWBy1EP3?usp=sharing

Or you could do some Cosmic Kids Yoga or Just Dance videos on YouTube together with your child. I’ll put some of my favourite ones below. I’d love to know what you’re favourite ones are too.

Have a lovely day.

Ms Alys

Dear parents,

Find below the work for Thursday 5th March. We are looking forward to your children joining us back in school next week.

Reading: Complete tasks on Literacy Planet. Recap all the phonics sounds that your child’s teacher has sent you over the past 2 weeks. Can you child remember these sounds? Can they read and write words with these sounds in?

English: Day 4. In English today your child will learn “To make simple inferences of a character’s feelings or behaviour”. Retell the story of Beegu with your child. Think about the scene where Beegu is playing with the children in the playground and the teacher comes and takes him away.

Imagine you are one of the children, how would you feel? Ask your child to ‘freeze frame’ – think about body gesture and facial expression. Now imagine you are the teacher, does your expression change? Please email this picture to your class teacher because next week we will use it in class. 

Maths: Day 4 on the slides. Starter: Recap counting in 5s, enjoy this song together Main: Can your child spot the mistakes that have been made on the slides and rewrite the correct number sentences to match the pictures? For example:

Can your child complete the following activities.

Any questions, please ask your class teacher. We hope you and your child are doing well at home, we look forward to welcoming them back soon.